Re: dataset and Dataset


On 5 Apr 2013, at 11:48, Makx Dekkers <> wrote:
> I’d like to point to a decision taken by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and documented at :
> “No DCMI Term Names will be assigned that differ from other Names only in regard to case.”

AFAIK, DCMI namespaces contain *either* classes *or* properties but not both. So the policy seems to address a case that will never occur anyway. DCAT has a single namespace that contains both classes and properties, so the concerns are different.

> Can you refer to cases where vocabularies use the same name for a class and a property with only difference in case?

Among those I've worked with, SWRC, Bio and MO all do it. I'm sure there's others.

> I looked at other vocabularies (FOAF, VOID, SKOS,  GoodRelations, DOAP, MO, RDFS) and none of them seem to do this.

You didn't look very carefully, Makx! MO has mo:Track and mo:track, mo:Record and mo:record.


Received on Saturday, 6 April 2013 16:38:16 UTC