Re: [publishing-statistical-data] W3C Data Cube Last Call

Dear all,

Here are below some comments on the last version, broken down by sections.
Do not hesitate to come back to me if you need some clarification.


*6.4* :A typo:  “ *To express the value of this attribute we would
typically us**e **a common thesaurus”*

 *6.4* : Need some clarification: “*well call this the
** representation“ * → *we'll** *or *well, let's call *??

 *6.4* : “ *In a data set with multiple observations **[measures ??]** **then
we add an additional dimension whose value indicates the measure. This is
appropriate for applications where the measures are separate aggregate
statistics“* → I do not completely agree with that.

First, I guess you meant multiple measures instead of observations.

The above-mentioned “ *additional dimension* “, that is the measure
dimension is defined in SDMX 2.1 as “* is a special type of dimension which
defines multiple measures in a data structure definition. [..]. Note that
it is necessary that these representations are compliant (the same or
derived from) with that of the primary measure.” * The primary measure
which represents the value of the phenomenon to be measured via a reference
to a concept, is mandatory and can take its semantic from any concept,
although it is provided as a fixed identifier (OBS_VALUE).

The SDMX MeasureDimension is above all a dimension, admittedly of a
particular type, whereas it seems to me that the RDF Data Cube
MeasureDimension, declared as a qb:MeasureType is primarily a measure. In
my mind it is exemplified by the fact that the qb:MeasureType component is
a dimension property with an implicit code list whereas SDMX requires a
reference to an explicit ConceptScheme whether its representation be made
explicit or not. I think it would be worth mentioning this slight

 *7:* “*Internal and external metadata*” seem to be equivalent to the SDMX
structural and reference metadata. Provided that you deem the terms as
identical, the SDMX terminology seems to me more specific to the
statistical context.



Guillaume Duffes

INSEE - French National Statistical Institute


2013/3/21 Dave Reynolds <>

> The W3C Government Linked Data Working Group has recently announced a Last
> Call working draft of the RDF Data Cube vocabulary [1] and would welcome
> feedback.
> Please send comments to the public mailing list public-gld-comments@w3.orgby 8 April 2013.
> Dave
> [1]**vocab-data-cube-20130312/<>
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Received on Friday, 5 April 2013 09:00:21 UTC