[deviceorientation] Set up automatic Bikeshed compilation (#67)
[geolocation-api] Editorial: fix "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage (#116)
[geolocation-api] fix "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage (#118)
[geolocation-api] How to specify desired accuracy / resolution of data? (#49)
[geolocation-api] Problem when granted temporal acces to geolocation in Firefox (#117)
[geolocation-api] Pull Request: Editorial: acknowledge Reilly Grant as co-editor
[geolocation-api] Pull Request: Editorial: fix "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage
[geolocation-api] Pull Request: Editorial: split Privacy and Security considerations
[geolocation-api] Pull Request: fix "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage
[geolocation-api] Section 6: Non-normative but containing implementation requirements? (#56)
Closed: [deviceorientation] Set up automatic Bikeshed compilation (#67)
Closed: [geolocation-api] "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage appears wrong (#114)
Closed: [geolocation-api] List of active times is gone (#113)
Closed: [geolocation-api] Problem when granted temporal acces to geolocation in Firefox (#117)
Closed: [geolocation-api] Section 6: Non-normative but containing implementation requirements? (#56)
Last message date: Monday, 31 January 2022 21:47:25 UTC