Hi All,
It is coming up to the first anniversary since I posted my POC example of a
TravelManager that delivers efficient and battery-friendly background
geolocation via ServiceWorkers (Brotkrummen). All the source code and
documentation can still be found here: -
Sadly, there has been no progress on delivering this much needed
functionality to Web App Developers in order to help us compete on a level
playing field with Native Apps. What we do regularly hear is the pleas from
developers for just such functionality. The latest example can be found
here: -
Can any of you please tell me what is wrong with my proof-of-concept?
According to Jake Archibald here: -
"the answer here is to keep the page awake, using something like
https://w3c.github.io/wake-lock/. This isn't a feature for service workers.
The Wake-Lock is a much needed feature for keeping the screen alive for
constant displays with no user interaction but is by no way an efficient,
resource-frugal, implementation of Background Geolocation.
What's more there appears to be no longer even attempt to justify the " This
isn't a feature for service workers " falsehood. My POC proves
ServiceWorkers are the ideal functionality delivery mechanism. Please, just
run it and see!
Is there any overriding body I can appeal to to discuss this issue on it
me. Why are you not Specifying and Implementing this?
Cheers Richard