[geofencing-api] Geofencing in aeronautics applications

Dear Mrs, Mr,

I am studying in an aeronautics engineer school.

During one of my courses, a teacher spoke about the potential benefits of
geofencing in aeronautics. He took the following example : according to
actual position of airplane, geofencing can determine the flight area (FIR
in particular) where airplane is and help the pilot to choose the best
radio frequency or GNSS system. Like that, pilot workload can be reduced.
Curious about algorithms that can be used to implement this kind of
applications, I have found your website and read some information about
your geofencing product.
I contact you because I would like to know, in your point of view, which
algorithm can fit these needs ? Because, in my case, for your information,
flight areas are not polygons : their edges can be circle, great circle,
rhumb line, arc (counterclockwise or clockwise)... Moreover, there are a
huge amount of points to define only one area, but also lots of flight
areas ! And we need to refresh often and obtain the information of which
flight area we are flying into very quickly.

Thank you for your help,
Best regards,

PS : I hope my message is understandable, I am French and not English
speaking or writing native ...

Received on Monday, 20 March 2017 09:32:50 UTC