Re: Status of the Geolocation specification

Hi Ms2ger,

On lun., 2014-01-27 at 10:31 +0100, Ms2ger wrote:
> Two years ago [1], I submitted a number of comments on the Geolocation 
> specification, which have not received an answer. Since then, a 
> Recommendation has been published which includes at least some of the 
> errors I pointed out. Has this specification been abandoned? If so, I 
> would like to request that the editors release their copyright into the 
> public domain, so I can fork the specification into the WHATWG, as this 
> WG is not doing its work.

Beyond Andrei's point that the spec on which the comments were initially
filed has been abandoned, let me clarify that work on a new version of
this API is under consideration, and should this be approved (as I
expect it to be), I'll make sure your comments get addressed in the
revision of the existing API.

I think we probably ought to document the known errors in the errata;
I'll dive back into your comments and see how to proceed with this.

Sorry they were not addressed before moving to Rec in the first place.


> [1]

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2014 00:36:20 UTC