Re: Proposal for Re-chartering of Geolocation Working Group

Hi all,

Le mardi 05 novembre 2013 à 14:33 +0000, Mandyam, Giridhar a écrit :
> Enclosed is a proposed charter for the group.  I appreciate any
> comments/feedback.  I have also proposed a breakout session for next
> week's TPAC entitled "Moving Forward on Geolocation API".

FWIW, an charter advance notice was just sent to the Advisory Committee
on this proposed charter:

This is the first step towards the potential rechartering of the group;
the next step would be to get formal approval by W3C management, and
then start a review by the Advisory Committee.

Before I can go to management approval, I would like to make sure people
in the group are comfortable with the changes brought by that new
in particular, the new deliverable (geofencing and indoor location).

Getting explicit support and intent to implement these would go a long
way towards getting W3C management approval. Doug shared some support
from Mozilla already:
(but explicit support on this specific charter would be useful too :)

If there are early proposals for these new APIs, they would likely help
for the AC review (although they're not a requirement at all).

Given that the group has not been very active for the past few months,
getting clear commitments of participation in general would be very good
as well.

It is likely (although not quite confirmed yet) that, should this group
be chartered, I would be (one of) its staff contact, and I will thus be
driving the chartering process; feel free to contact me if you have any
question on this.



Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2013 17:28:09 UTC