Re: DeviceMotion event vs Accelerometer sensor data

Hi Jose,

There is as you say a subtle difference between the two proposed specs 
and I guess that fact could be confusing to developers, especially since 
the interfaces have the same names (e.g. DeviceAcceleration, 
DeviceRotationRate) but give different values (smoothed vs. raw).
Maybe you could consider renaming the Sensor API interfaces to make it 
more clear that they expose raw sensor data?

Best regards,
Lars Erik

On 06.10.2011 14:03, JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA wrote:
> Dear GeoLoc WG,
> My name is Jose Cantera and I'm one of the editors of the Sensor API [1]
> within the Device APIs WG.The purpose of the Sensor API is to provide
> access to the raw data provided by sensors accessible from a device. We
> have had within the Working Group different discussions whether the Sensor
> API should address Acceleremoter and Gyroscope sensors or not, due to
> potential overlapping problems with your DeviceMotion events spec.
> DeviceOrientation says "The information provided by the events
> is not raw sensor data, but rather high-level data which is agnostic to
> the underlying source of information." but our Sensor API is intended to
> provide raw sensor data. In theory there is a subtle difference between
> the two. The article at [2] gives a good explanation on the difference
> between raw sensor data and smoothed data coming from the accelerometer.
> Another important point to take into account is that in the Device Motion
> event spec there is no way for an author to specify the delivery rate for
> sensor data. And that is something well covered by the sensor API.
> Thus the question for you is how do you see this problem?
> Should the sensor API target Accelerometer and Gyroscope?
> How we can coordinate? Can we have different APIs for different use cases
> and share data structures for example?
> Many thanks, All the best
> [1]
> [2]
> he-accelerometer-on-windows-phone-7.aspx
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Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 09:14:07 UTC