Re: Proximity alarm interface

Le jeudi 30 juin 2011 à 12:01 +0100, Andrei Popescu a écrit :
> But what exactly is "too many" or "too close"? Pick too small a number
> and you'll break many use-cases. Pick a bigger number and the privacy
> benefit quickly evaporates.

I don't know that we already have the answer; I think it's already clear
that the "single location" proximity case represents a privacy benefits
over using watchPosition().

For other cases, I think we would need to look at some concrete use
cases to get actual values (but I would keep the values user-agent

As a strawman example, I can imagine that a user agent would block (or
make it very hard to accept) an application that requests proximity
alerts every meter on a zone greater than 1km².

Also, I think there is plenty of space for innovation around binding
more granulary/privacy-invasive APIs to Web sites and applications
(beyond infobar and modial dialogs), and I'm hoping we can design APIs
in a way that enables this innovation; this includes designing APIs that
minimize data collection and transmission as much as possible.


Received on Thursday, 30 June 2011 12:08:09 UTC