Re: Test suite issues

Steve Block wrote:

> I've updated the test-suite in CVS, so the new version should be
> available publicly.

We have:
Test 00030: call getCurrentPosition() with wrong type for third argument.  
No exception expected.
Test 00061: call watchPosition() with wrong type for third argument. No  
exception expected.

Test 00029: call getCurrentPosition() with wrong type for second argument.  
Exception expected.
Test 00060: call watchPosition() with wrong type for second argument.  
Exception expected.

The spec. does not seem to specify about throwing an exception when the  
optional errorCallback is not a function, does it? Or is there a different  
reason for this?

Hari Kumar G
Quality Assurance
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 18 February 2011 13:33:14 UTC