Normative references to non-recommendation specs

The W3C transition steps documentation says that a "In general, 
documents do not advance to Recommendation with normative references to 
W3C specifications that are not yet Recommendations." [1]

We currently have normative references to HTML 5 ([BROWSINGCONTEXT], 
[DOCUMENTORIGIN], and [NAVIGATOR]), as well as to WebIDL.
None of these specs are Recommendations and these references could 
therefore block our transition to PR.

We could replace the [DOCUMENTORIGIN] with a reference to RFC 2396 if we 
actually go ahead and change the wording in section 4.1, as previously 

I don't know how or if we could get rid of the other references, though, 
nor if the "In general" qualification means that exceptions can be made. 
Matt, could you perhaps share some thoughts on that?

Lars Erik


Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 14:33:15 UTC