Re: DeviceOrientationEvent

On 04/24/2011 12:37 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
> Hi all,
> few comments.
> initDeviceOrientationEvent seems to miss parameter for
> compassCalibrated. Or is there some reason to not be
> able to specify that one in synthetic events?
> Another comment is the double? attributes.
> I assume ? is there so that it can be indicated that the value isn't
> available.
> IMHO it would make more sense to say that those attributes
> can be NaN.
> Returning null in some cases is just strange,
> since it changes the returned type.
> The only change in the scripts would be to change
> if (event.alpha == null) like code to
> if (event.alpha == NaN)

Also, the current initDeviceOrientationEvent doesn't allow
the double? attributes to be initialized to null.

If the requirement for "nullness" was removed, 
initDeviceOrientationEvent would just work.

> -Olli

Received on Sunday, 24 April 2011 09:56:56 UTC