Re: Geolocation privacy implementation


Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> It seems like it could be helpful to users if this group could discuss
>> some of these areas where there are differences, and maybe produce a BCP
>> for how they should be resolved (probably in the form of some privacy UI
>> recommendations in the API spec).
> I agree. Even agreeing on common a geolocation indicator (icon) would be 
> a great step forward - and the placement of that indicator in the 
> address bar or some other suitable location. Also, and agreement on 
> language seems pretty critical too ("tracking" vs "wants to know", etc.).
> So, off the top of my head, my wish list would be for consistency in:
> 1. Indicator (icon) - as we have consistency with the padlock is 
embarrassingly ugly and three years old by now, but i think it is an 
excellent approach to have a persistent indication about how geolocation 
information is revealed to the current web page. this could even make a 
great entry point for how users can control what exactly is revealed 
(precision, or maybe even changing the location manually or to 
"preferred locations").



Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 09:15:30 UTC