RE: Speed, heading and elevation graphic

Not that this matters a great deal, but how is this applied to common use cases?

Imagine a car that is climbing a steep hill.  Let's say that it's moving at a speed of 10m/s with respect to the ground in a North-East direction on a 30 degree incline (i.e., _very_ steep).

The other way of describing this is using strictly horizontal speed, as Steve suggests: speed[h]=8.66, heading=45, vspeed=5, but is that really how you would describe this motion?

Given that a car speedometer measures ground speed, rather than horizontal speed, that's arguably an easier set of values to report.  The vup/vdown is no easier or harder for a GPS unit to produce; it's just a matter of determining the dot product (and inverse cosine thereof) of different sets of vectors.

To consume, the story might be different.  But certainly, producing a second orientation is easier than a vertical speed.  Arguably, using ground speed is also a better fit with how people think of movement.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-geolocation-
>] On Behalf Of Steve Block
> Sent: Friday, 12 February 2010 9:57 PM
> To: Angel Machín
> Cc: public-geolocation
> Subject: Re: Speed, heading and elevation graphic
> > After reading this publication
> > ( I would suggest using
> > something similar to this nomenclature:
> > - Speed: projection of the velocity vector over the local tangent
> > plane (LTP). Could be decomposed into Vnorth and Veast.
> > - Heading: orientation angle of the speed vector (the same we have in
> > the current version of the spec)
> > - Vdown (or Vup): vertical speed, being positive downwards (or
> upwards).
> Yes, that sounds like a good approach, and probably better matches
> common use cases

Received on Sunday, 14 February 2010 23:12:21 UTC