Re: PositionOptions

Marcin Hanclik:
> > > then you’ll need to use [Callback] on the interface.
> > >
> > >
> It's a bit weird, but ok.

The reasoning is that for most interfaces, you do not want to allow
native objects to be considered as objects implementing interfaces.
For example, you don’t want

    nodeType: 1,
    nodeName: 'div',
    appendChild: function(n) { … },
    removeChild: function(n) { … },

to work.  So an annotation is required to indicate which interfaces can
be implemented by native objects.

> > > If you specifically need to know whether a given ECMAScript
> > > property exists on the native object,
> This is our case.
> > > then that’s something currently
> > > outside the realms of Web IDL.
> propertyIsEnumerable and "for .. in" seem to handle the properties in ES, or?

If you’re happy making requirements just for the ECMAScript language
binding of the Geolocation spec, then that will work.  Note that the
Java language binding of the PositionOptions interface would be:

  public interface PositionOptions {
    void setEnableHighAccuracy(boolean b);
    boolean getEnableHighAccuracy();
    void setTimeout(int i);
    int getTimeout();
    void setMaximumAge(int i);
    int getMaximumAge();

and all of the methods would need to be implemented, so omitting
attributes doesn’t really make sense outside of ECMAScript.

> My understanding is that the PositionOptions will never be
> instantiated like var p = new PositionOptions();
> We would use it only as you quoted:
> >>  navigator.getCurrentPosition(a, b, { enableHighAccuracy: true,
> >>                                       timeout: 5 });
> Shall we then use the following?
> [Callback=PropertyOnly]
> interface PositionOptions {
>   attribute boolean enableHighAccuracy;
>   attribute long timeout;
>   attribute long maximumAge;
> };

PropertyOnly is (or should be) only useful to control how interfaces
with a single operation can be implemented by an ECMAScript object.  It
indicates that a Function object’s [[Call]] is not the implementation of
the single operation on such interfaces, and that instead a property
with the name of the operation is.

At one point native objects couldn’t implement an interface if there
were attributes on there; I probably need to update the wording for
[Callback] to indicate that PropertyOnly/FunctionOnly really only apply
for those single-operation interfaces.



Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 00:32:46 UTC