Re: What about Reverse Geocoding?

On Nov 11, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:

> Do you really mean that every website that does geolocation will  
> have to provide geodetic location?  As I've tried to point out,  
> there are many situations where it makes more sense to provide  
> civic, *especially* in contrast to just a lat/long pair.

Yes.  Every website that wants to participate in the geolocation  
enabled web should be able to talk in the universal canonical format  
-- and that is lat/lon.

> IMO, having two options doesn't really count as "fragmentation".   
> How hard is it two write
> if (geodeticExists())
> 	geo_foo();
> else if (civicExists())
> 	civic_foo();
> --Richard

Richard, the way this will go down is:

if (position.civicAddress.zipcode)
   // Fill in my store locator
   // nothing

And many devices will only have a GPS attached without any ability to  
acquire an address.


Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 00:07:59 UTC