Re: skeleton Geolocation API

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Erik Wilde <> wrote:
>> At a minimum, that would allow people to identify what system is being
>> used for Plain Old Points (tm) and in the hand-waving future leave some
>> wiggle room for the kinds of things that Erik mentions and stuff no one has
>> imagined yet.
> i like the general idea. this would also allow contexts in which no lat/long
> information is given at all. for each context, there would have to be a
> definition which parts of a position (lat/log, elevation, uri, bearing,
> speed) can/must be present, and how they are defined. if it is done that
> way, there would have to be at least three context identifiers for wgs84
> coordinates, though, because elevation should at least be supported for
> plain wg84, egm96, and barometric values.

I think it is better for the web if we choose one way to interpret the
API. Interop is hard to achieve when the developer has to be ready for
many different measurement systems.

- a

Received on Sunday, 29 June 2008 20:16:05 UTC