Re: skeleton Geolocation API - Error codes

Hi Chris,

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Chris Butler <> wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Debugging is an interesting issue, but in the case of timeouts they
> don't provide much good information.

I agree.

> To find where the timeout took
> place it requires special tools or specific knowledge of all steps of
> the process.

Right again. I also think that the users of the Geolocation API won't
really care what specific steps are involved in getting a location.

> it doesn't really matter whether it is a computer, transmission or service issue since either way
> the user can't do some function.


> Also, we should assume that when we say timeout we mean from the initial
> creation of the async request and the response being processed and
> available to the callback, right?

I assume so. One use I see for timeouts is as a developer-supplied
value, possibly on the PositionOptions interface. Such an option would
tell the Geolocation API implementation to invoke the error callback
if a valid position cannot be acquired in a given time. On the other
hand, something similar can be achieved using window.setTimeout(), so
I am not entirely sure we actually need this functionality in our


Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 15:21:45 UTC