RE: skeleton Geolocation API - Error codes

// Modified subject to fork this discussion

Here's an updated of errorIds and descriptions to also include service errors:

/* Errors that can occur on the user-agent/client
001 AccessDenied        // User (or policy on user-agent) denied access to geolocation
002 TimeOut             // Async operation timed out
003 NotFound            // Position could not be determined
004 NotAvailable        // Position features are not available on this user-agent
                        // This could be the same as window.geolocation == undefined

/* Errors that can occur when trying to use a cloud resolver service.
 * We should be able to directly buble up the HTTP response codes for
 * these 'service' related errors as indicated below.
400 Service_BadRequest
401 Service_Unauthorized
402 Service_PaymentRequired
403 Service_Forbidden
404 Service_NotFound
500 Service_Failed
503 Service_TooBusy

/* A catch all error. We should decide if it is better to throw in this scenario
UnhandledException      // A catch all error for anything else


shyam habarakada
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Alec Berntson
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 11:10 AM
To: Chris Butler; Andrei Popescu; Shyam Habarakada
Cc: Doug Turner; Chris Prince; Aaron Boodman;
Subject: RE: skeleton Geolocation API

Here's what I was thinking:

NotSupported (not providers)
Error           (generic)
Timeout         (call to provider took too long)
AccessDenied (user hasn't given permission to this site/app)
Running         (Location acquisition is working)

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Butler []
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:10 AM
To: Andrei Popescu; Shyam Habarakada
Cc: Doug Turner; Chris Prince; Alec Berntson; Aaron Boodman;
Subject: RE: skeleton Geolocation API

Hi everyone.

This is a little bit of a different issue and may add color to the
discussion regarding optional vs. required: what are all the possible
errors we are considering?

Would timeouts be part of it?



Received on Monday, 28 July 2008 18:17:48 UTC