Re: skeleton Geolocation API

On 7/23/08, Shyam Habarakada <> wrote:
>  1. Are there use-case where errors SHOULD be ignored?

Should? No, but I can imagine use cases where a developer simply
doesn't care about errors and wants to ignore them. For example, say I
call watchPosition() to trace a user's position on a map. I might
implement it like this:

1. Show status UI telling the user we are looking for a fix, with a
button to cancel
2. Call watchPosition()
3. When we get the first fix, clear the status UI and update the position
4. For each new fix, update the position again

For this hypothetical usage, I don't really care about getting errors.

>  2. If we say errorCallback MUST be provided and a caller does not comply, what is the desired runtime behavior? Throw an exception?

Usually, if a parameter is required, then the behavior is to throw
when the function is called. That makes sense here too.

>  3. Are there error scenarios where we MUST signal the caller to invoke clearWatch(watchID)?

No. If the error is permanent, the implementation will just never call
either callback again.

- a

Received on Thursday, 24 July 2008 06:52:19 UTC