Welcome message and the plan for Community 2016 Spring Conference Call

Dear All,


It has been sometime since we have active communication. In some sense, we
all were awaiting the final release of our auto.schema.org extension, so the
delay is perhaps not that harmful.

However, as there is a good chance to leave behind the "pre-final preview
release" phase quite soon, I would like to come back to more active


First, I would like to welcome cordially all newcomers to our community,
both individuals and organizations that joined the group since October last


*         Enrico Di Marco

*         Caliber Media Group represented by Sun Chung

*         Steven Herron

*         ATOS represented by Gabriel Kepeklian 

*         Statok GmbH represented by Krisztian Szi

*         Visteon Software Technologies

*         Federal Hill Trading Company represented by Timothy Beachboard

*         Auto Trader Group PLC represented by Paul Doran

*         Adeel Ahmad

*         Istituto Superiore Mario Boella represented by Riccardo Tomasi


(If I missed someone, please forgive me. All are very warmly welcomed.)


Second, as auto.schema.org extension will most probably get the final status
soon, I would like to convene a global conference call of the group.

The ideal time for the call would be in the last week of April (week 17th
w/c April 25) or first week of May (week 18th w/c May 2).

In anticipation of this call I will soon post a survey to find out the best
date and time for the conference.


For the main theme for the call I propose:

"How to accelerate the adoption of auto.schema.org in the Automotive
Industry Digital Platforms"

More detailed agenda for the call should reach you all early next week.


Finally, I would like as many from our community as it would only be
possible, to consider participation in this year W3C TPAC Meeting:
 <https://www.w3.org/2016/09/TPAC/> https://www.w3.org/2016/09/TPAC/ . This
year the meeting is in Lisbon between September 19 and 23.

TPAC is W3C's annual "face to face" meeting where Working Groups have
possibility for physical co-location for a week.
Recently, Dan Brickley described the event as "giving people a chance to get
to know each other better, and for groups to work on collaborative,
cross-cutting issues to increase the overall coherence of the Web standards


I will almost certainly will plan to be there and would be happy to discuss
how we could use this event to facilitate the activity of our community.

Let's discuss it also in the planned call.




Mirek Sopek @ Gainesville FL
global cell: +1 551 226 5488, US cell: +1 917 346 7500

 <mailto:sopek@makolab.com> sopek@makolab.com

Received on Friday, 8 April 2016 02:13:03 UTC