Our community collaboration resources at GitHub [via Automotive Ontology Community Group]

Hello All,

We had a very nice and informative first Community Group Conference call last
week (The summary is coming here soon).

One of the results of the call is that we agreed to use GitHub as our repository
of electronic materials, source code, future ontology files etc.

Our profile is https://github.com/W3C-GAO and has been temporarily assigned to
the email account gao@makolab.com (until we practically figure out how to use
our internal w3.org email facility of this group for such purposes).

There are two repositories:

https://github.com/W3C-GAO/gao-schema.org  - related to schema.org matters
(both core and extension - auto.schema.org)
https://github.com/W3C-GAO/gao-gao - related to the development of GAO

Both contain source files for FreeMind tool (available here) that we will use
for sketching the structure and content of our vocabularies as the initial tool
for brainstorming. I will shortly describe it all in the call summary.

Anyone from this community group who plans to contribute to the development (all
are warmly welcomed) please send the respective request to me



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'Our community collaboration resources at GitHub'


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Received on Monday, 3 August 2015 19:42:56 UTC