Re: [fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects-1] What is the visual effect of filter() on the document element?

There's a difference between "the background that gets propagated to the canvas" (from `html` or `body`) and the underlying backdrop (which is UA-specific and undefined).

If filters on `html` apply to the canvas backdrop, what happens with `html { filter: opacity(50%); }`? What shows thru?  Presumably not whatever window is underneath the browser window. ^_^

Obviously, there's *some* background that isn't affected by the filter, so that you can show something underneath an opacity() filter.  Rather than inventing *yet another* layer to explain this, let's just be consistent with previous resolutions (such as [our resolution that `background-blend-mode` blends with the `html` background, not the canvas backdrop](

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Received on Monday, 30 April 2018 19:16:51 UTC