Re: [fxtf-drafts] [geometry] DOMMatrix stringifier behavior doesn't seem to match implementations

Also, so it doesn't get forgotten: The main substance of this issue still needs to be resolved.  

When you stringify a matrix to CSS notation, do you follow the "6-decimals & no scientific notation rule" from CSSOM, or do you maintain full double precision, or what?  Currently, Firefox and Chrome seem to use 6-digit precision (which isn't the same as 6-decimals) with scientific notation:

m = new DOMMatrix();
m.a = 1/3;
m.b = 1/300000;
m.c = 100000 + (1/3);
m.d = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
"" + m;
// Chrome 58 & Firefox 54 both return: 
// "matrix(0.333333, 3.33333e-06, 100000, 9.0072e+15, 0, 0)"

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