Re: [css-transforms] CSS3D breaks with opacity flattening

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:39 AM, Matt Woodrow <> wrote:

> On 22/09/16 11:37 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> In addition, your proposal *also* affects web content because opacity is
> now applied to the group instead of being distributed to the children.
> It's true, but I figured it would be close enough to the old rendering
> that the majority of existing content would work with it (assuming they
> just want opacity, not specifically opacity distributed to the children)
> while also being correct wrt group-opacity and not implementation dependent.
>> This thread was started by an author who's content was broken, so it
>> seems reasonable to re-visit these assumptions.
> Yes, we went over his examples and told him how to fix it (= apply opacity
> to the elements)
> Since Firefox knows that it's flattening, could it create a warning in the
> console and point to an MDN page with more information?
> 1:!msg/
> blink-dev/eBIp90_il1o/jrxzMW_4BQAJ
> <>
> 2:
> I still think that applying group-opacity to a subset of a 3d scene is a
> reasonable use case (that can't be easily solved without this), and one
> that we could support without breaking anything worse than we already plan
> to.
> Doesn't look like this is getting much traction though, so I'll probably
> just accept the spec change and go ahead with ship flattening of opacity in
> Firefox.

Good to hear! This was a great discussion.
If you (or anyone else) can come up with a better solution, maybe we can
add it to the spec as another value when we integrate Simon Fraser's

Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 07:59:26 UTC