[geometry] Add matrixTransform to DOMPoint


SVG has an interface SVGPoint which will be an alias for DOMPoint with Geometry Interfaces. However, SVGPoint has a method called matrixTransform [1]:

interface SVGPoint {
	SVGPoint matrixTransform(SVGMatrix);

(SVGMatrix is an alias to DOMMatrix.)

matrixTransform is not part of DOMPoint yet. I plan to add it to DOMPointReadOnly to be compatible with SVGPoint. The method is actually used by JS libraries such as d3.js which makes it (more or less) an integral part of the web platform. The function will look like:

interface DOMPointReadOnly {
	DOMPoint matrixTransform(DOMMatrixReadOnly);

Please reply if you object to the change.

Note: DOMMatrix has a similar functionality called transformPoint(DOMPointInit) which take a DOMPointInit dictionary such as {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}. I believe that this is a valid functionality as well. We expect authors to use dictionaries more often in the future.


[1] http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/geometry/#issue-c1e303d0

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 08:55:04 UTC