Re: [web-animations] Web Animations minutes, 5 / 6 Dec 2013

(2013/12/09 14:39), Steve Block wrote:
> I looked into the spec issue we discussed, regarding calculating the
> transformed time with an iteration duration of zero. The spec states
> 'If local time < start delay, Return the result of recalculating the
> transformed time using a local time less than start delay (e.g. start
> delay - 1)'
> The patch which added the text in question was
> which fixed an obvious bug. However, I can't see any particular reason
> why the text 'using a local time less than start delay' was added, as
> it seems superfluous. I think it's safe to simply remove it.
> I have a patch at

For the record, this patch has been merged:

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 06:22:46 UTC