Re: Proposal: feHSL element (was Re: [filter-effects] hue-rotate() and saturate() filters)

Hello Dirk,

Thursday, October 17, 2013, 5:47:36 PM, you wrote:

> I hardly believe that anyone wants to have the color clipping
> within the filter primitive feColorMatrix. So I wonder (given that
> we have the support of UAs) if we could change the behavior of hue
> rotate and saturate types on feColorMatrix to operate on HSL directly?

No, because its not a matrix operation.

> The name feColorMatrix would be misleading,


>  but the definition is just

>     <feColorMatrix type="hueRotate" values="30"/>

> anyway. Same for saturate. This probably changes existing results.

Yes, it certainly does.

> But it probably just fixes the results also.

No, it breaks them and introduces confusion.

> I really don't want to add yet another SVGFE*Element.

Adding a new one with a clear name seems *far preferable* to re-defining
an existing name to have non-matrix-like behaviour and operate in a
different colourspace depending. That just seems like a hack and a
source for confusion (are you using the definition from 1998-2013 or
the post-2013 definition of the same thing which is totally

I would oppose such a redefinition of the longhand. Its better to
introduce a new element and new, clear shorthands, and to direct users
to the new shorthands.

> On Oct 16, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Chris Lilley <> wrote:

>> Hello Rik,
>> Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 10:59:11 PM, you wrote:
>>> It seems that this should work and be lightweight.
>> Thanks.
>>> I'm unsure if we should add a new filter element or just update the CSS shorthands.
>> I suggest both; update the CSS shorthands to point to this, and add
>> the filter so that longhand (user constructed) filters can use it as
>> one component.
>>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
>>> Hello Dirk,
>>> Tuesday, October 15, 2013, 7:37:18 PM, you wrote:
>>>> On Oct 15, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello ,
>>>>> Here is a proposal for a new feHSL element which performs hue rotation
>>>>> and saturation changes without suffering from internal clipping. Due
>>>>> to filter effects clipping after each primitive, saturation increases
>>>>> will still suffer from clipping in a multi-stage pipeline.
>>>>> I didn't provide for any operations on the L axis of HSL because
>>>>> operations on lightness or luminance are already available by other
>>>>> means.
>>>> I wonder how the proposal solves the problem.
>>> Apparently I didn't describe it well enough.
>>>> The input is still RGB, the output is still RGB.
>>> Correct
>>>> It might differ between linearRGB or
>>>> sRGB.
>>> No; in either case (as stated in the proposal) you convert to sRGB
>>> and thence to HSL.
>>>> So you still have the clipping, no?
>>> No.
>>> OK, time for some 3D visualisation. Just close your eyes and
>>> concentrate on the music. Ahem.
>>> In the current matrix approach, you have colour arranged in a cube
>>> (RGB) and all values outside the cube are clipped. The filter tilts
>>> the cube so the lightness axis (black to white) is upright. It then
>>> rotates the cube about that axis, *clipping to the boundary of the
>>> original, tilted, unrotated cube*.
>>> Visualize a sphere that is as big as it can be while still fitting in
>>> the cube. When the cube is tilted, place a cylinder that is parallel
>>> to the lightness axis and just fits over the sphere. Colours outside
>>> that cylinder risk being clipped (depending on how large the rotation
>>> angle is).
>>> In the HSL approach, the colourspace is already a cylinder and all
>>> in-gamut RGB colours fit in that cylinder. Hue rotation rotates the
>>> cylinder on its axis; no part of the cylinder falls outside the
>>> cylinder so hue rotation does not produce clipping. Saturation
>>> decreases do not produce clipping (though, because of the nature of
>>> HSL, you do get a reduction in hue precision). Saturation increases
>>> can result in clipping (but the clipping is to the cylinder surface so
>>> hue and lightness are not affected and the result is less visually
>>> objectionable).
>>> Hope that helped?
>>>> Could you elaborate more
>>>> please? Also, would the new element ignore the
>>>> color-interpolation-filters property?
>>> I covered that in the proposal. Perhaps too tersely?
>>> If c-i-f is sRGB, the conversion going into the filter is sRGB -> HSL
>>> and going out, HSL -> sRGB.
>>> If c-i-f is linearRGB, the conversion going into the filter is
>>> linearRGB -> sRGB -> HSL and going out, HSL -> sRGB -> linearRGB
>>> If c-i-f is some other value (SVG2 adds other values to c-i, maybe add
>>> them to c-i-f too?), the conversion going into the filter is
>>> someothervalue ->sRGB -> HSL and going out, HSL -> sRGB -> someothervalue.
>>> Of course, if the filter designer had set someothervalue to, say,
>>> CIELCHab then they would more likely choose to do a different type of
>>> hue rotate (directly on the H component of LCH) thus avoiding the
>>> bunched up, uneven hue distribution of HSL, the non-independence of H
>>> S and L in HSL, and the limited gamut of sRGB.
>>>>> =================================================
>>>>> Name:   feHSL
>>>>> Categories:     Filter primitive element
>>>>> Content model:  Any number of the following elements, in any order:
>>>>>    <animate>
>>>>>    <set>
>>>>> Attributes:
>>>>>    core attributes — ‘id’, ‘xml:base’, ‘xml:lang’, ‘xml:space’
>>>>>    presentation attributes — ‘alignment-baseline’, ‘baseline-shift’,
>>>>>      ‘clip’, ‘clip-path’, ‘clip-rule’, ‘color’, ‘color-interpolation’,
>>>>>      ‘color-interpolation-filters’, ‘color-profile’, ‘color-rendering’,
>>>>>      ‘cursor’, ‘direction’, ‘display’, ‘dominant-baseline’,
>>>>>      ‘enable-background’, ‘fill’, ‘fill-opacity’, ‘fill-rule’, ‘filter’,
>>>>>      ‘flood-color’, ‘flood-opacity’, ‘font’, ‘font-family’, ‘font-size’,
>>>>>      ‘font-size-adjust’, ‘font-stretch’, ‘font-style’, ‘font-variant’,
>>>>>      ‘font-weight’, ‘glyph-orientation-horizontal’,
>>>>>      ‘glyph-orientation-vertical’, ‘image-rendering’, ‘isolation’,
>>>>>      ‘kerning’, ‘letter-spacing’, ‘lighting-color’, ‘marker’,
>>>>>      ‘marker-end’, ‘marker-mid’, ‘marker-start’, ‘mask’, ‘mix-blend-mode’,
>>>>>      ‘opacity’, ‘overflow’, ‘pointer-events’, ‘shape-rendering’,
>>>>>      ‘stop-color’, ‘stop-opacity’, ‘stroke’, ‘stroke-dasharray’,
>>>>>      ‘stroke-dashoffset’, ‘stroke-linecap’, ‘stroke-linejoin’,
>>>>>      ‘stroke-miterlimit’, ‘stroke-opacity’, ‘stroke-width’, ‘text-anchor’,
>>>>>      ‘text-decoration’, ‘text-rendering’, ‘unicode-bidi’, ‘visibility’,
>>>>>      ‘word-spacing’, ‘writing-mode’
>>>>>    filter primitive attributes — ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘result’
>>>>>    ‘class’
>>>>>    ‘style’
>>>>>    ‘in’
>>>>>    ‘type’
>>>>>    ‘value’
>>>>> DOM Interfaces:         SVGFEHSLElement
>>>>> This filter applies a transformation in HSL colorspace. Input values
>>>>> are converted (if needed) from the colorspace given by
>>>>> 'color-interpolation-filters' to sRGB, and then to HSL for processing.
>>>>> Results are converted from HSL to the colorspace given by
>>>>> 'color-interpolation-filters'.
>>>>> The calculations are performed on non-premultiplied color values.
>>>>> Attribute definitions:
>>>>> type = "hue" | "saturation"
>>>>> Indicates the type of operation to be performed: hue rotation or
>>>>> saturation/desaturation. The lacuna value for 'type' is "hue".
>>>>> value = <number>
>>>>> For type="hue", the value represents a hue rotation in degrees.
>>>>> Positive and negative angles may be specified. The new hue angle H'
>>>>> is given by
>>>>> H' = (H + value) mod 360
>>>>> For type="saturation", the value represents a saturation multiplier.
>>>>> Values less than 1.0 represent desaturation; values greater than 1.0
>>>>> represent increases in saturation.  A value of 0.0 results in full
>>>>> desaturation to the L axis. The new saturation value S' is given by
>>>>> S' = S * value
>>>>> Note that results are clamped to the saturation range 0.0 ... 1.0
>>>>> The lacuna value of 'value' depends on the value for 'type'. For
>>>>> type="hue" the lacuna value for 'value' is 0.0 (no rotation); for
>>>>> type="saturation" the lacuna value for 'value' is 1.0 (no change in
>>>>> saturation).
>>>>> =============================================================
>>>>> Add an example or two and some suitable definition for the DOM
>>>>> interface.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Chris                
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>>  Chris                  
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Chris                  

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2013 15:58:38 UTC