Re: [filter-effects] shader security model

On Wednesday 2013-03-06 11:00 -0800, Dirk Schulze wrote:
> I wanted to resolve on a new working draft not only because of the changes to custom filters, but more because of a lot of clarifications for the other filter primitives and shorthand filters. At this point I do not see shaders blocking the standardization process of the whole spec. Should people still be concerned about the implementation status of shaders later in the process, we can put shaders on the risk list before going to CR. It may go into the next level of Filter Effects at this point.
> Do you disagree with this strategy?


I think trying to postpone dealing with objections is a bad


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 19:24:16 UTC