[filter-effects] feGaussianBlur and stdDeviation = "0"


I would like to change the behavior of feGaussianBlur filter primitive if stdDeviationX = stdDeviationY = 0. If both radii are 0, UAs must handle the filter as error and refuse drawing. This seems to be the behavior on all browsers at the moment.

For authors it often makes more sense if feGaussianBlur just returns its input - unmodified. Note that this is the case for the shorthand filter functions already (blur() and drop-shadow()). 

This affects feDropShadow as well - a shorthand for different filter primates including feGaussianBlur. It is not possible to draw a non-blurred drop shadow without this change.

If there is no objection then I modify the spec.


Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:14:28 UTC