Matrix decomposition (was [web-anim] Web animations minutes, 11 / 12 April 2013)


FYI the matrix decomposition in WebKit currently has a bug that causes it
to not preserve the sign of the scale component. (See )
Once that bug is fixed, you should probably update the decompose algoritm
in the polyfill since it looks the same.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Brian Birtles <> wrote:

> Web animations minutes, 11 / 12 April 2013
> Etherpad:**ep/pad/view/ro.NueVWJzPkD6/**
> latest <>
> Present: Steve, Shane, Brian
> Agenda:
> 1. Status update
> 2. Extended timing functions
> 3. Keyframes representation
> 4. Representing timing parameters
> ================
> Brian: Struggling with events
> Steve: blink
> Shane:
>  - matrix interpolation in polyfill
>  - moving tests over to new test framework
>  - extended timing functions
>  - some blink work
> ============================
> Shane:**document/d/**
> 1KjfY7ok3bmltAWOna7p0RzHnj49SR**ZVAQZhjO0wjS9s/edit#heading=h.**
> v9ginwuoznmr<>
> Discussion of extending cubic-bezier vs. chaining timing functions vs.
> We have two alternatives we are considering at the moment:
> A) Extend cubic-bezier to accept more numbers, basically instead of just 4
> numbers you could have: 4,10,16,22... etc.
> These just define the intermediate control points of a chain of cubic
> bezier segments whose start and end points are (0,0) and (1,1) respectively.
> Analysis:
> * Hard to read/tweak once you get past about one segment--pretty much
> impossible
> * Changes to parsing/spec is simply the number of points allowed
> B) Allow timing functions to be chained together:
> e.g. "linear 0.2 0.2, ease 0.5 0.4, cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1) 0.8 0.7,
> ease-in 1 1"
> The two numbers following each function specify the "window" into which
> the function is scaled. So the endpoints of the 'linear' function are
> 0,0->0.2,0.2, then 'ease' goes from 0.2,0.2->0.5,0.4 etc.
> Analysis:
> * Much easier to tweak, hand-author
> * Allows combining discrete functions with smooth ones--although we may or
> may not allow this
> * Requires more characters for a curve represented by many cubic bezier
> segments
> (A) and (B) are not mutually exclusive. Question is which do we do? Or
> which do we do first?
> Also, in either case we might later add syntax for automatically
> reflecting control points, e.g. smooth-bezier() or cubic-bezier(smooth, x,
> y) etc. similar to SVG's 'S' command.
> > Currently undecided. Brian leans towards (A) (with shortcuts added in a
> later level) since it seems like a smaller change; Shane and Steve lean
> towards (B) because it is more readable/hand-authorable.
> ===========================
> There are three pending changes:
> - Allow per-value composite modes
> - Allow multiple target properties per key frames animation effect
> - Removing interfaces and replacing with dictionaries
> These three are blocked on working out how to represent the key frames:
> (a) by-frame only,
> (b) by-property only,
> (c) by-frame with shortcuts to allow constructing them with property value
> arrays
> (d) by-property with shortcuts to allow constructing them by frame
> The by-frame approach has the advantage of matching what CSS does. It also
> *may* be more intuitive for animators--we're not sure.
> The by-property approach has the advantage of being simpler to construct.
> It also matches SVG's behavior more closely. It also avoids the issue that
> arises when you have automatically spaced keyframes mixed with fixed
> offsets and whether or not two values appear in the keyframe depends on the
> precision with which the offsets are calculated/specified.
> > Still waiting on further investigation.
> ==============================**====
> Where are we up to with this?
> Currently we have:
> interface TimedItem : EventTarget {
>    // Specified timing
>    TimingDictionary getTiming ();
>    TimingDictionary setTiming (TimingDictionary timing);
>    // Calculated timing
>    readonly attribute double              startTime;
>    readonly attribute unrestricted double iterationDuration;
>    readonly attribute unrestricted double activeDuration;
>    readonly attribute unrestricted double endTime;
> };
> * Re-uses the timing dictionary to keep the API surface area small
> * Has the unfortunate side-effect that:
>       anim.setTiming({ iterationDuration: 3 })
>   clobbers all other timing. It's possible to work around this but clumsy.
> Alternative A:
> Introduce Timing interface.
> * Duplication of parameters: a dictionary version and an interface version
>  → increases API surface area, awkward to maintain / spec
> Alternative B:
> interface TimedItem : EventTarget {
>    // Timing
>    attribute double   startDelay;
>    attribute FillMode fillMode;
>    attribute Duration iterationDuration;
>    attribute Duration activeDuration;
>    attribute double   playbackRate;
>    // ...
>    // Scheduled time
>    readonly attribute double              startTime;
>    readonly attribute unrestricted double endTime;
> };
> interface Duration {
>   double    sec;
>   DOMString string;
> }
> Usage:
>  var specifiedDur = anim.iterationDuration.string; // "auto"
>  var computedDur = anim.iterationDuration.sec; // 5
>  // Update duration to 3s
>  anim.iterationDuration.sec = 3;
>  // anim.iterationDuration.string -> "3s"
>  // Update duration to 3s (alt.)
>  anim.iterationDuration.string = "3s";
>  // anim.iterationDuration.sec -> 3
>  // Reset to auto
>  anim.iterationDuration.string = "auto";
>  // anim.iterationDuration.sec -> 5
> * Some duplication of parameters between the dictionary and TimedItem
> * Setting and reading duration happens in same place
> * Mimicks patterns proposed for CSS Lengths and SVGLength
> * Easy to extend this to support percentage measures in the future (which
> is likely for duration properties)
> * Not easy to apply this pattern to other parameters in the future (e.g.
> if we want to make playbackRate accept a string we'd have to introduce
> another attribute in order to use the same pattern)
> Next meeting (and from here on) will be one hour later:
> Thurs Apr 18 18:00 PDT / Fri 19 Apr 11:00 AEST / Fri 19 Apr 10:00 JST @
> Past meetings:**
> wiki/Web_Animations/Meetings<>

Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 02:21:03 UTC