RE: [Public WebGL] [filters] Shading language recommendation

[Steve Baker:] 
> Why are we even bothering to talk to Microsoft?  They don't deserve a
> place at the table.

Because we're contributing members of this Working Group and many others
like it. Because we edit specifications, submit thousands of tests and 
implement standards. Because we work with Apple, Adobe and others on many
other SVG and CSS features. Because one as-of-yet unresolved issue at one 
point in time does not define anyone's 'place at the table'. Because 
standards are defined by consensus and consensus is not built by excluding 
anyone who disagrees with you after a mere two days of polite discussion
on a mailing list. 

Dismissive language certainly does not deserve a place at the table. It is 
unnecessary and unhelpful. Please keep your feedback constructive and 
relevant to the matter at hand. Asking questions is useful and helpful too.

No problem is solved by throwing noise at it.

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 01:58:47 UTC