Re: [filters] what should feGaussianBlur sample outside the source image?

It clarifies already that requested pixels outside of the current primitive are assumed to be transparent black. Therefore the rendering output of opera and webkit is correct here. FillPaint is a pseudo filter primitive and does not contribute to the context you describe. I can add the quotes in a follow up mail once I am on my desk if you can't find the necessary quotes.


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On Aug 6, 2012, at 5:28 PM, "Cameron McCormack" <> wrote:

> Consider this document:
> The Filters spec (and SVG before it) says the following in the 
> feGaussianBlur section:
>   If the input has infinite extent and is constant (e.g FillPaint,
>   this operation has no effect.
> The document uses FillPaint as the input to feGaussianBlur, but in Opera 
> at least, the blue rectangular area has blurry edges, because it is 
> (presumably) sampling transparent black outside the source image area. 
> For the operation to have no effect, you would expect the rectangle to 
> have sharp edges, which would imply sampling the FillPaint outside the 
> source image area.
> The test 
> seems to assume that transparent black is sampled outside the source 
> image area.
> The spec should be clarified to indicate how to sample around the edges 
> of the source image, and if it should be transparent black, the sentence 
> about having no effect with FillPaint should be changed.

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 01:50:26 UTC