

Some months ago Dean Jackson submitted a proposal for a more native 
matrix class[1]. Some new ideas were proposed, so i got these ideas and 
added in the spec.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Creates an identity matrix

// Creates a new matrix from the value passed in (a CSS transform string 
// matrix() or matrix3d() - not other functions).
Constructor(in DOMString string),

// Creates a new matrix from the Float32Array value passed in.
// The array has a length of 6 for a 2d matrix (see ref[2]), or 16 for a 
4x4 matrix).
Constructor(in Float32array array),

// Creates a new matrix from the Float64Array value passed in.
// The array has a length of 6 for a 2d Matrix (see ref[2]), or 16 for a 
4x4 matrix.
Constructor(in Float64Array array),

// Creates a new matrix identical to the passed matrix.
Constructor(in Matrix4x4 matrix),

// Creates a new matrix from the array of 6 or 16 values passed in
Constructor(in sequence array)

// Creates a new matrix from the decomposed values
Constructor(in sequence<float> xyz,
in sequence<float> rotation,
in sequence<float> scale,
in sequence<float> perspective);

interface Matrix4x4 {

// These attributes are simple aliases for certain elements of the 4x4 
attribute double a; // alias for m11
attribute double b; // alias for m12
attribute double c; // alias for m21
attribute double d; // alias for m22
attribute double e; // alias for m41
attribute double f; // alias for m42

attribute double m11;
attribute double m12;
attribute double m13;
attribute double m14;
attribute double m21;
attribute double m22;
attribute double m23;
attribute double m24;
attribute double m31;
attribute double m32;
attribute double m33;
attribute double m34;
attribute double m41;
attribute double m42;
attribute double m43;
attribute double m44;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Multiply this matrix by otherMatrix on the right (this = this * 
void multiply(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);

// Return a new matrix that is this matrix multiplied by otherMatrix on 
the right
// (result = this * otherMatrix)
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 multipliedBy(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);

// Multiply this matrix by otherMatrix on the left (this = otherMatrix * 
void leftMultiply(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);

// Invert this matrix. Throw an exception if the matrix is not invertible
void invert() raises (DOMException)

// Return the inverse of this matrix. Throw an exception if the matrix 
is not invertible
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 inverseMatrix() raises (DOMException);

// Translate this matrix in place using the passed values.
// Undefined or NaN parameters will use a value of 0. This allows the 3D 
form to used for
// 2D operations.
void translate(in double x,
in double y,
in double z);

// Return a new matrix that is this matrix translated by the passed values.
// Undefined or NaN parameters will use a value of 0. This allows the 3D 
form to used for 2D operations
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 translatedBy(in double x,
in double y,
in double z);

// Scale this matrix in place using the passed values.
// Passing undefined or NaN for scaleY uses the value of scaleX.
// Passing undefined or NaN for scaleZ uses the value 1.0.
void scale(in double scaleX,
in double scaleY,
in double scaleZ);

// Return a new matrix that is this matrix scaled by the passed values.
// Passing undefined or NaN for scaleY uses the value of scaleX.
// Passing undefined or NaN for scaleZ uses the value 1.0.
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 scaledBy(in double scaleX,
in double scaleY,
in double scaleZ);

// Rotate this matrix in place using the passed values. Each parameter 
// an angle of rotation around the (corresponding) X, Y or Z axes.
// Passing undefined or NaN for rotY and rotZ instead rotates around the 
Z axis
// (i.e. rotX = 0, rotY = 0, rotZ = )
// Input values are in radians.
void rotate(in double rotX,
in double rotY,
in double rotZ);

// Return a new matrix that is this matrix rotated by the passed values. 
Each parameter
// defines an angle of rotation around the (corresponding) X, Y or Z axes.
// Passing undefined or NaN for rotY and rotZ instead rotates around the 
Z axis
// (i.e. rotX = 0, rotY = 0, rotZ = )
// Input values are in radians.
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 rotatedBy(in double rotX,
in double rotY,
in double rotZ);

// Rotate this matrix in place using the passed values. The x, y and z 
// define a vector about which the matrix is rotated.
// The value of angle is in radians.
void rotateAxisAngle(in double x,
in double y,
in double z,
in double angle);

// Return a new matrix that is this matrix rotated using the passed 
values. The x, y and z values
// define a vector about which the matrix is rotated.
// The value of angle is in radians.
[Immutable] Matrix4x4 rotatedByAxisAngle(in double x,
in double y,
in double z,
in double angle);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Copy the matrix elements into a Float32Array
// Throws an exception if the input is invalid (e.g. wrong length, etc).
void copyIntoFloat32Array(inout Float32Array array) raises (DOMException);

// Copy the matrix elements into a Float64Array
// Throws an exception if the input is invalid (e.g wrong length, etc)
void copyIntoFloat64Array(inout Float64Array array);

// return a Float32Array (length 16) with the values [m11, m12, ...]
Float32Array toFloat32Array();

// return a Float64Array (length 16) with the values [m11, m12, …]
Float64Array toFloat64Array();

// Returns a string that is in the format of a CSS transform.
// (e.g. "matrix3d(m11, m12, ...)")
DOMString toString();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Multiply this matrix by a matrix representing a perspective 
// The eyex, eyey and eyez values define the position of the eye point.
// The centerx, centery and centerz define the position of the reference 
// The upx, upy and upz define the direction of the up vector.
void lookAt(in double eyex, in double eyey, in double eyez,
in double centerx, double centery, in double centerz,
in double upx, in double upy, in double upz);

// Multiply this matrix by a matrix representing an orthographic 
// The left and right values define the coordinates for the left and 
right vertical clipping planes.
// The bottom and top values define the coordinates for the bottom and 
top horizontal clipping planes.
// The nearVal and farVal values define the distances to the nearer and 
farther depth clipping planes.
void ortho(in double left, in double right,
in double bottom, in double top,
in double nearVal, in double farVal);

// Multiply this matrix by a matrix representing a perspective 
// The fovy value defines the field of view angle, in radians, in the y 
// The aspect value defines the aspect ratio that determines the field 
of view in the x direction.
// The zNear value defines the distance from the viewer to the near 
clipping plane.
// The zFar defines the distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane.

void perspective(in double fovy, in double aspect,
in double zNear, in double zFar);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Decompose this matrix into the passed values. The xyz value 
represents the translation,
// where xyz[0], xyz[1] and xyz[2] represent x, y and z, respectively. 
The rotation value represents
// the rotated angles, where rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2] 
represent rotateX, rotateY and
// rotateZ, respectively in radians. The perspective value represent a 
perspective projection matrix,
// where perspective[0] is the field of view angle, in radians, in the y 
direction. perspective[1]
// is the aspect ratio that determines the field of view, in radians, in 
the x direction.
// perspective[2] is the distance from the viewer to the near clipping 
plane, perspective[3] is
// the distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane.

void decompose(inout sequence<float> xyz,
inout sequence<float> rotation,
inout sequence<float> scale,
inout sequence<float> perspective);


Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 09:51:00 UTC