Re: [css3-transforms] transform-origin syntax: 3D vs. background-position

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Edward O'Connor <> wrote:
> This is unfortunate. Being able to try things out in Safari is pretty
> important, especially with regard to 3D transforms. Maybe you should ask
> your manager to help you in this regard?

I've finished most of my transforms work already, and any
non-editorial spec changes are to be reviewed by the co-editors, most
of whom work for Apple.  I already review three independent
implementations of transforms, namely IE, Chrome, and Firefox.  So
hopefully my inability to review Safari is not a prohibitive problem
at this point.  Fortunately, Safari and Chrome are the same for most
things, although not for 3D transforms.

Of course, I encourage Apple to port their browser to more platforms,
so that those of us who don't want to pay them large sums of money can
still test their software.  If they don't, I guess it will be harder
for standards editors to take their behavior into account when writing

(I run IE10 via a Windows 8 Developer Preview VM, which is free.  I do
have Safari installed there, but its 3D transforms implementation on
Windows seems to be different from on Mac.)

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 19:47:51 UTC