Re: [Filter Effects][css3-transforms] Using MathML for formulas

Hi Davide,

I think generating the spoken text is an interesting approach!  The 
results there seem much better than the reading out of the words within 
the <pre>.

I wonder though if your approach of making the existing math subtree 
aria-hidden="true" and inserting the equivalent spoken text in a <div> 
positioned off the page would get in the way of ATs that do know how to 
understand MathML and present it to the user.  I can't think of a good 
way around that -- feature testing for the abilities of the AT is 
impossible I guess.

(I'd love to know what the accessibility community thinks is the state 
of the art for presenting math in web pages accessibly, by the way.)

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 23:15:42 UTC