Re: CSS-SVG Meeting at TPAC

Hi, Chris-

Since we didn't close the loop before the end of the CSS WG F2F, some of 
the SVG WG was confused about the time (times weren't listed in our 
agenda); since Dino isn't available in the afternoon, and others aren't 
available in the morning, we are going ahead with joint meetings at both 


Dean Jackson wrote (on 11/4/10 10:04 AM):
> On 04/11/2010, at 6:28 PM, Chris Lilley wrote:
>> On Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 10:20:03 AM, Doug wrote:
>> DS>  Hi, Sylvain-
>> DS>  Sylvain Galineau wrote (on 11/3/10 9:16 AM):
>>>>> We should discuss this topic further at Thursday's CSS/SVG
>>>>> meeting at Technical Plenary.
>>>> Where/when is the meeting ?
>> DS>  As I recall, we had intended to meet with the CSS WG (FXTF)
>> around 10am DS>  on Thursday.  Everyone from the CSS WG is
>> welcome.
>> No, we had agreed to meet in the afternoon, because some people
>> have a conflict with the AC meeting in the morning.
>> I suggest 2pm.
>> DS>  The room is on the second floor, Saint Clair 3B.
> It's a bit of a bummer this wasn't announced before the 10am start
> time. I was ready to call in right now. I can't make 2pm.
> Dean

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Thursday, 4 November 2010 09:48:36 UTC