Re: 2D Transforms Update

2010/10/1 Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <>:
> Am Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010 geschrieben:
>> 2010/10/1 Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <>:
>> > d) Some transformation functions (section 'Transformation Functions')
>> > have values like <angle> or <translation-value>.
>> > Does it imply additional unit identifiers in SVG or in CSS?
>> > For example for CSS angle is currently (CSS2.0 or CSS3 draft,
>> > not available at all in the referenced CSS2.1) only available
>> > for aural style sheets and requires a unit - I assume that the transform
>> > property will be applicable not just for aural style sheets in the future
>> > and hopefully the angles will not be normalised if applied to rotations,
>> > as currently required in CSS.
>> In CSS3 the <angle> value is defined by CSS3 Values & Units.  It
>> definitely isn't just an aural-specific unit.
>> The definition of <angle> will indeed be changed to not automatically
>> normalize, based on previous discussion in the CSS group.
> The draft vom 2006 notes:
> "3.4.5. Angles
> Angle values (denoted by <angle> in the text) are used with aural cascading
> style sheets.
> Their format is a <number> immediately followed by an angle unit identifier.
> Angle unit identifiers are:
> deg: degrees
> grad: grads
> rad: radians
> turn: turns
> Angle values should be normalized to the range 0-360deg by the user agent. For
> example, -10deg and 350deg are equivalent.
> For example, a right angle is '90deg' or '100grad' or '1.570796326794897rad'.
> "
> I think there is no newer.

You need to be looking at the current working draft, located at  I apologize for the fact that
WDs are hard to find.  >_<


Received on Friday, 1 October 2010 17:35:47 UTC