- From: Steven Pemberton <Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl>
- Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 15:46:35 +0100
- To: "Forms WG" <public-forms@w3.org>
Sorry, forgot to invite rrsagent... 15:01 Zakim Team_(forms)14:00Z has now started 15:03 Steven Chair: Steven Steven Regrets: Philip, Nick 15:04 Steven Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2015Feb/0013.html Steven Topic: Finish off Section 11 Steven http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0#XForms_Actions 15:05 Steven Steven: I have one more comment in section 11 Steven http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0#The_dispatch_Element 15:06 Steven "If a run-time element is destroyed, then any delayed events targeted at that element are removed from the delayed event queue. A run-time element may be destroyed for a number of reasons, including shutdown of the form or removal of form controls associated by a repeat with an instance data node that is destroyed." 15:07 Steven Erik: dispatch requires identifying a target 15:08 Steven Steven: Do we refer to "run-time elements being destroyed" anywhere else? Steven Erik: 9.4.1 ebruchez "A repeat object is an implicitly generated group element that contains the set of run-time objects generated to represent the repeat template content for a single repeat item of the repeat collection. These run-time objects are form controls, XForms actions and other host language elements that correspond to markup content in the repeat template. If an item of the repeat collection is non-relevant, then the rendering approach used to signify non-relev[CUT] ebruchez applied to the user interface controls of the associated repeat object." 15:09 Steven Steven: All "run-time objects". Steven Erik: In the repeat section it talks about repeat objects. 15:10 Steven Steven: What is the intention of this section? Steven Erik: You can't dispatch to an element that doesn't exist. 15:11 Steven ... like in a repeat 15:12 Steven Steven: An event is dispatched to the current item in a repeat. 15:13 Steven Erik: The one at the time the action is run, not when it is actually dispatched after a delay. Steven ... so something might have changed Steven Steven: In fact there may be no element at all when it comes to be dispatched. Steven Erik: Yes. Steven Steven: So you're happy with this wording? 15:14 Steven Erik: You could change "element" to "object" Steven Steven: I'm OK if you are with it. 15:15 Steven Steven: Any more comments on 11? Steven Erik: I still have to review section 11. Steven Steven: So there may still be some to come. Steven Topic: Section 12 Steven http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0#Conformance 15:16 Steven Alain: It only mentions XPath 1.0 Steven Steven: That was one of my comments too. 15:18 Steven Steven: With a "Model processor" do we need to mention JSON as external format? 15:19 Steven Erik: We don't want to make many features options, right? Steven Steven: Right. Steven ... so all must be MUST or a SHOULD 15:20 Steven Erik: Submission is a SHOULD Steven Steven: I was surprised by that on reflection 15:21 Steven ... ODF is a model processor, because it has a different UI module 15:22 Steven Erik: Does it have submission? Steven Steven: [looks] Yes, it does. 15:23 Steven Steven: So should we make JSON a MUST. 15:24 Steven Erik: Yes. Steven Alain: Agree. Steven ACTION: Steven to add JSON to specification of Model Processor trackbot is creating a new ACTION. trackbot Created ACTION-2011 - Add json to specification of model processor [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. Steven Steven: And make submission a MUST as well? Steven Erik: Right. 15:25 Steven ACTION: Steven to make submission a MUST in Model Processor trackbot is creating a new ACTION. trackbot Created ACTION-2012 - Make submission a must in model processor [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. Steven Erik: And we have a SHOULD for <group> in full. I don't see why. Steven Steven: I'm in favour of making that a must. Steven Erik: Agree. Steven Alain: Me too 15:26 Steven Erik: Same for toggle and switch Steven Steven: Agree 15:27 Steven Alain: Agree Steven ACTION: Steven to make toggle, switch a MUST trackbot is creating a new ACTION. trackbot Created ACTION-2013 - Make toggle, switch a must [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. 15:28 Steven Steven: It says only SHOULD for https.... do we agree? 15:29 Steven Erik: We changed the examples to use https... if anything there is more. Steven Steven: It's sending the wrong message in a way. 15:30 Steven Erik: You could imagine very restrictive examples where https is not needed, Steven ... but for "full" I think we should require it. 15:31 Steven Erik: It is hard to implement file: scheme Steven Alain: We partially implement it, but the user has to allow it via a dialog Steven ... but it is useful. 15:32 Steven Erik: Webapps don't normally use the file store Steven Steven: They use local data 15:33 Steven Erik: I think https should be a MUST 15:34 Steven Alain: Agree Steven Erik: file: a MAY Steven Alain: Agree Steven ACTION: Steven to make https a MUST, file: a MAY trackbot is creating a new ACTION. trackbot Created ACTION-2014 - Make https a must, file: a may [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. 15:36 Steven Topic: AOB Steven Steven: For next week we should review the rest of the spec, glossary, refs, and examples. 15:37 Zakim -Steven Zakim -[IPcaller] Zakim Team_(forms)14:00Z has ended Zakim Attendees were ebruchez, Steven, Alain, [IPcaller], Dimitris Steven Steven: You're back home next week Erik? Steven Erik: Yes Steven Steven: OK, so call at regular time Steven [ADJOURN] Summary of Actions trackbot Created ACTION-2011 - Add json to specification of model processor [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. trackbot Created ACTION-2012 - Make submission a must in model processor [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. trackbot Created ACTION-2013 - Make toggle, switch a must [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25]. trackbot Created ACTION-2014 - Make https a must, file: a may [on Steven Pemberton - due 2015-02-25].
Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 14:47:12 UTC