Re: New introduction to XForms 2.0

On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:52:51 +0100, Alain Couthures  
<> wrote:

> Steven,
> I would suggest to add a link to XPath 2.0 Specifications in 2.4.


> AVT is a new feature in XForms 2.0 and, because it is very useful (in  
> calculated styling, for example), could it be presented in the  
> introduction?



I will send a message when the new version is up.


> Thanks!
> -Alain
> Le 12/02/2014 17:34, Steven Pemberton a écrit :
>> Dear XForms users,
>> I have rewritten the introduction to XForms for the XForms 2.0 spec and  
>> would appreciate any comments you might have.
>> I have tried to simplify it. Are there any features that don't get  
>> mentioned that ought to be?
>> Are there things mentioned that don't need to be?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Steven Pemberton

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 15:12:21 UTC