Re: Checking if an extension function exists and implementation/version sniffing

And BTW this is in response to this action item:

ACTION-1956 - Answer eric vd vlist's message on identifying available functions


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Erik Bruchez <> wrote:
> Eric,
> We discussed this during our last XForms call.
> We discussed two solutions:
> 1. Import the XSLT 2 function-available() function:
> Note that XPath 3 now has function-lookup(), but this cannot be used
> with XPath 2 as this requires support for function() items:
> 2. Improved error handling in XForms
> This is a separate but related topic. XPath and action errors should
> be, at least optionally, recoverable. This way, if you have a an error
> in an action which uses an unknown function, you could recover from
> that, and deduct that there was an issue with an XPath expression.
> #1 would be easy, both at the spec level and for implementors. This
> would also be the most direct solutions to your requirement.
> #2 is more involved, but also more useful, and a more indirect way,
> and solves in general a slightly different problem.
> My proposal would be to do both for XForms 2.0. I have an action item
> to make a proposal for improved error handling already.
> Please let us know if you have any comments on this!
> -Erik

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 21:10:21 UTC