XForms 2.0 Draft review: The xforms-script-language-not-supported-exception Event / The xforms-script-exception Event

Dear Group,

the http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0#The_xforms-script-language-not-supported-exception_Event
Event has a horrible name. That said I would like to question wether
we need this event at all. The occurrence of an unsupported script
language could as well be indicated by an
Event. The "language" property should be added to this event then.

Related: The xforms-script-exception Event has an "error" property,
the xforms-compute-exception Event has an "error-message" property and
the xforms-version-exception Event has an "error-information"
property. To add confusion, the xforms-binding-exception Event has no
error properties while xforms-submit-error has an "error-type"
property. This is inconsistent and should be harmonized.

Ulrich Nicolas Lissé

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 10:53:52 UTC