First (partial) draft of XForms streamlined syntax module

Dear Forms WG,

The home page [1] now contains links to a preliminary and partial draft of 
the XForms streamlined syntax module [2].

Despite being partial, it has a lot of interesting things in it for us to 
talk about in order to complete it.  The goal is to have a draft that we 
can put out as a FPWD either just before or just after the technical 
plenary.  If after, then at least we need to be solid enough as a group on 
the content that we can show it off as part of our strategic direction at 
the TPAC.

Plan is to discuss this in tomorrow's telecon.  Any effort that you can 
put into reading this document before the meeting will help to make 
advancement on it during the telecon.


Best regards,
John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM, Interactive Documents and Web 2.0 Applications
Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab

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Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 19:05:38 UTC