Re: FYI a recent request for allowing xforms:submission/@target to specify a window

> I was going to ask the following:
> Isn't this capability available to host languages due to  
> replace="none" and the context information in xforms-submit-done?

Possibly, and partly, as you suggest, if you have access to the body.

But this may not be enough. Consider for example the case where the  
response is application/pdf. The browser will take care of handling it  
appropriately (if you are lucky) with HTML forms and @target. Now say  
you have event('document-body') available. How do you cause your  
browser to handle this PDF file in the same way? I am not sure that  
this is possible. (Note that this PDF scenario is one we frequently  

Anyway my only point was that there are other people out there who  
think that using @target the HTML way is natural, which adds weight to  
the feature request of adding support for xforms:submission[@replace =  
'all']/@target the HTML way.

> Then I double-checked xforms-submit-done and it seems the response- 
> body context property was omitted from that event.  This appears to  
> be an error of omission, though, as the property is available to  
> xforms-submit-error.
> Does anyone recall if there is a good reason why there is no  
> response-body property for xforms-submit-done?  If not, is this an  
> XForms 1.1 correction?

I am not sure there is a very good reason. If you don't support it,  
you could optimize response handling I suppose. Say you have  
replace="instance". Just before dispatching xforms-submit-done, the  
response body has already been read, parsed, and used for replacement.  
However you probably have to assume that upon dispatching xforms- 
submit-done, somebody will use event('document-body'), so you need to  
store the document body somewhere just in case.

But thinking about it, you may have to do that anyway to provide  
support for event('document-body') for xforms-submit-error, as errors  
could happen while parsing the body.


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2008 20:45:38 UTC