Charlie Wiecha, IBM
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
Leigh Klotz, Xerox (minutes)
Nick van den Bleeken (chair)
Roger Pérez
Doug Scheppers, W3C
Keith Wells, IBM
Nick van: Nice job, Keith.
Keith Wells: It would be nice if
others use the same results format using XForms so the data can be
in a new column.
Charlie Wiecha: How does it do?
Keith Wells: It passes many tests, but
lacks digest and hmac functions, but they're put in the last few
days. Plus some context issue and a few minor functions.
Leigh Klotz: Aaron added header
yesterday and had a question about combining multiple header which
I will bring to the list.
Nick van: Other implementations please
send in reports.
nodeset="//*[@xsi:nil]" relevant="count(text())>0"/>
<xf:bind nodeset="//@xsi:nil"
.Action 2008-07-23.1: Leigh Klotz to respond to that the proposed solution doesn't answer the use cases we discussed and the workaround works for the author so we put full xsi:nil xs:nillable support on the future features list.
Nick van: We wanted to talk about
this when Mark was here.
Nick van: Draft Instance Data
Charlie Wiecha: My discussion about
the instance module is the same...single module, or refactored, and
Mark was suggesting I think a data island module and features on
top. It's not clear how to do that and I'd like to see how to
subdivide it. I'm not sure what to take out: setvalue in,
insert/delete out? I'm fuzzy about his refactoring.
Leigh Klotz: Channeling Mark, I think
this is just data island support, because today's browsers don't
have a consistent way of doing inline XML data, and in fact some of
them alter inline XML data. So maybe just id or name, but nothing
Charlie Wiecha: I see, that's
consistent with the Ubiquity bugs he's had. OK, but we'll need help
with Mark on the modularization issues.
Nick van: Yes, it's a bit more work
than I'd expect.
Charlie Wiecha: The magic of spec
writing is sometimes hard to fathom.
Leigh Klotz: What about IDL for
Charlie Wiecha: That goes on the
Leigh Klotz: I can see maybe wanting
to get at the instnace as a data island from JavaScript.
Charlie Wiecha: But the function needs
to be defined on some container. So I will refactor into two
modules: a data island and the setvalue/insert/delete. Any
Nick van: Done.
Resolution 2008-07-23.1: We refactor 1.2 instance data modult into two: a data island and the setvalue/insert/delete.
Action 2008-07-23.2: Charlie Wiecha to refactor a data island and the setvalue/insert/delete.
Charlie Wiecha: Next I need to
explain the bindings.
Leigh Klotz: There aren't bindings on
Charlie Wiecha: Not for data islands,
but setvalue/insert/delete.
Leigh Klotz: The RNG makes it easy
with groups; you add the group to the elements, and later add the
attributes to the groups in another module.
Nick van: I've run into some problems
expressing how evaluation context changes.
Nick van: I've added the attributes
in section 2 by adding an ampersand to the collection name. That's
how it's done in XHTML2. John defines single-node binding etc. in
his module. I haven't referenced it yet (text, link, module links
in an overview?).
Charlie Wiecha: So that's what I'm
unclear about. You're indicating it by the ampersand but not doign
the reference yet.
Nick van: Yes.
Charlie Wiecha: Are you using the RNG
schemas yet?
Nick van: Just text. I thought we were
using just the tables.
Leigh Klotz: We agreed to explore the
RNG schemas and publish them as a separate docuemnt if they work,
and possibly consider incorporating them into the text of the
documents once they're done, but made no decision on that.
Charlie Wiecha: I'll continue with the
tables but play with the RNG on the side.
Nick van: If you import it multiple
times, you don't get the include guard if you include modules
multiple times.
Leigh Klotz: I'll send this question
off to Micah Dubinko and Makoto Murata and see if I can get
Action 2008-07-23.3: Leigh Klotz to seek expert help on multiple module import conflict issue in
Nick van: Any other comments on the binding?
Nick van: I'm not sure where to put
the ID reference resolution algorithm. In our current spec tgere's
a section about how IDs are resolved in XForms
with repeats and the hieararchy of binds. So would it be in the
driver or in one of the modules?
Charlie Wiecha: It seems more generic
than the bind module.
Nick van: I'm not sure where else it
would go.
Charlie Wiecha: Maybe if we had an
example of the driver module underway it would be clearer where it
would go.
Nick van: Any other modules to discuss
or any bolunteers?
Leigh Klotz: Aaron found some
issues here about multiple headers with the same name. HTTP 1.1
says that they are allowed, but must be kept in order; furthermore,
all headers with the same name must be combinable into one header
value with comma-separated values. Keith is separately looking at
the test suite since it has multiple headers, but combined headers
are allowed and are identical.
Erik Bruchez: We support only one
header with a different name. Is that wrong?
Leigh Klotz: Yes, that's wrong. There
are questions about how to combine them if there are multiple
values, including ordering, and what to do if the single or
multiple values have commas in them, and if that's not allowed,
this could cause submission failure, at least in HTTP.
Nick van: Leigh, can you write this
Leigh Klotz: Yes, I will. I think it
can be an informative note callign this issue out to implementors,
as it's confusing, but specified elsewhere. The only question I see
is about whether values with comma are allowed by the HTTP 1.1
serialization, or are simply quoted in the serialization.
Action 2008-07-23.4: Leigh Klotz to send note to group about issue with HTTP Header ordering for submission/header