Re: Please construct a task force charter

aloha, chris!

to facillitate asynchronous collaboration, would it be possible
to use the Forms wiki so that people can comment on drafts, 
create new ones, and spark discussion?

it seems more reasonable than having all 6 of us drafting a 
different document -- you've set the table, and it is up to 
us to provide the food; too many cooks may spoil the broth,
but there are only 6 of us, so i think this might be the 
best approach -- those who are motivated can create personal
drafts, which can be contrasted and compared, until compromise
is reached...

or, we could always do it via email, but a wiki is easier to 
data mine,


CONSERVATIVE, n.  A statesman who is enamored of existing evils,
as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them 
with others.         -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
             Gregory J. Rosmaita,
  Camera Obscura:

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Chris Lilley <>
Sent: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:07:38 +0200
Subject: Please construct a task force charter

> Hello public-forms-tf,
> Now that both HTML and Forms WGs have nominated their task force 
> representatives, the next thing is to get a charter together.
> There are useful bits of wording in the Forms and the HTML WG charters:
> the directors decision had an 'architectural vision' document 
> and a 'process comments' document, both have useful text and guidance:
> and Dan Connolly made a selection of useful wording from these 
> in an archived email message: 
> I would like to suggest that the task force participants draw on 
> these sources, and their own ideas, and construct a charter that 
> all the participants can agree on. Apart from needing to stay 
> within the boundaries of the parent HTML and Forms charters, 
> there is fairly wide scope. However, a taskforce charter should 
> help frame the discussion in terms of the goals, architectural 
> principles, and deliverables.
> Could this be done in a couple of weeks? It does not need to be 
> fancy and can be plain text or html as desired.
> -- 
>  Chris Lilley          
>  Interaction Domain Leader
>  Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
>  W3C Graphics Activity Lead
>  Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG
------- End of Original Message -------

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2007 16:42:30 UTC