Re: Any informal summaries of the Santa Clara workshop?

I've been awfully busy and will continue being so until early December.

Will follow up then.


On Nov 27, 2011, at 12:59 AM, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:

> Has anybody written up an informal summary of the recent "Future of
> Off-line Web Applications" workshop? A blog posting or anything? (I saw
> some tweets but can't recall seeing anything longer yet.)
> I know Matt and/or Dan are probably working on writing up a formal summary
> report, but if we could get some notes down somewhere in the mean time
> (even if it's just short summaries posted to this list), that'd be great.
> The available info I've seen so far has been the minutes:
> ...and some related spec bugs that were raised during/after -
> - appcache: always up-to-date applications
> - appcache: remove the requirement for the MIME type
> - appcache: allow a manifest to be identified by something other
> than its URL
> - appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at
>  least) by CORS
> Did I miss anything? Any other info available at this point?
>  --Mike
> -- 
> Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Sunday, 27 November 2011 07:48:13 UTC