Our financial extension promoted to pending.schema.org ! [via Financial Industry Business Ontology Community Group]

Dear FIBO W3C community members,

I'm pleased to inform you that our proposal for the financial extension to
schema.org based on FIBO, was accepted as a part of "pending" extensions:

In essence it means that our "hosted" extension proposal is just one step from
being in full production mode of schema.org. The time that lapsed since we
launched our "Pull Request" was admittedly, quite long and it was mostly related
to the large scale changes and improvements on schema.org side. Despite the
long waiting, we are happy that our extension comes into much better system for
global web vocabulary.

Individually, you can inspect our types and properties, through the direct links
on http://pending.webschemas.org/

issue-1253 Types (6)
BrokerageAccount, ExchangeRateSpecification, InvestmentFund, MoneyTransfer,
MortgageLoan, RepaymentSpecification
issue-1253 Properties (25)
accountMinimumInflow, accountOverdraftLimit, amount, bankAccountType,
beneficiaryBank, cashBack, contactlessPayment, currency, currentExchangeRate,
domiciledMortgage, downPayment, earlyPrepaymentPenalty, exchangeRate,
exchangeRateSpread, floorLimit, gracePeriod, loanMortgageMandateAmount,
loanPaymentAmount, loanPaymentFrequency, loanRepaymentForm, loanType,
monthlyMinimumRepaymentAmount, numberOfLoanPayments, recourseLoan,

The new terms complement the previously accepted "core" terms:

MonetaryAmount, FinancialProduct, BankAccount, DepositAccount, LoanOrCredit,
PaymentCard, InvestmentOrDeposit, PaymentService, CurrencyConversionService

leiCode, loanTerm, requiredCollateral, annualPercentageRate,
feesAndCommissionsSpecification, interestRate

I would like to encourage you to comment about the new types and properties to
be added to schema.org in the realm of FIBO. We need your voice !




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'Our financial extension promoted to pending.schema.org !'


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Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2016 21:45:55 UTC