Time to review initial proposals for support [via Financial Industry Business Ontology Community Group]

The next release of Schema.org is starting to take shape.

On the list of things for consideration is our  “Financial (FIBO) proposals
for the core vocabulary” for schema.org containing the basic types and
properties related to financial products.  This was officially proposed as Pull
Request (#965) in the schemaorg repository.

I invite you to review this proposal an submit, hopefully supportive, comments
against the Pull Request.  The more support this proposal gets, the more likely
it is to be accepted, laying the foundation for future more detailed FIBO
extension proposals.

An explanation of why you are supportive, and why it will improve the markup of
financial resources, would be good.  However a simple +1 would also be

You can find the raw RDFa, a list of the proposed additions and changes, and
examples listed in the wiki.  Also they are visible at the sdo-fibo.appspot.com
test version of the vocabulary.




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'Time to review initial proposals for support'


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Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2016 12:26:59 UTC