Re: social APIs -- any additions from your part of the world? HELP! (fwd)

Thanks Andreas!

If someone responds, please 'reply all' to this note. I neglected to Cc: the Social Web mailing list in my original sending.

Ann Bassetti
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 9:56 PM
Cc:; Bassetti, Ann
Subject: social APIs -- any additions from your part of the world? HELP! (fwd)

An important request which was sent by Ann Bassetti on behalf of the W3C
Social Web Working Group.

The members of the FSW CG belong to the target audience of this message.
Please read and if you can then please respond with helpful information to
one of the people mentioned at the end.

(Feel free to simply respond to this mail)

Thanks a lot,

---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Bassetti, Ann" <>

Hello AC Reps and W3C Offices .

The Social Web Working Group needs your help! Especially from those of you
who are familiar with social tools beyond the common ones in USA and Europe.
For instance, if you use social tools in China, Japan, Korea, Eastern
Europe, Russia, India, Middle East, African countries, Antarctica ;-) ...
please help us.

The goal of the Social Web WG, per the charter, is "... to define the
technical protocols, vocabularies, and APIs to facilitate access to social
functionality as part of the Open Web Platform. These technologies should
allow communication between independent systems, federation ... being part
of the design."

We have documented API patterns of many of the prominent social network
tools used in the USA and Europe (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare,
Flickr, ...):

But what about other prominent social networking systems (e.g., Yandex,
VKontakte, Sina Weibo, Tencent QQ, WeChat, Renren, Cyworld, and any others
you know about)? Are there API patterns we have missed? We cannot read
those languages, and do not have anyone on our team that can. We NEED your
help! Or from someone you might designate.

Please feel free to forward this request to anyone you think might be
qualified and interested to help. One can respond to the Working Group
(<> ), to the chairs of
the WG (Tantek Çelik<mailto:Tantek%20(>, Evan
Prodromou<mailto:Evan%20Prodromou%20(>, Arnaud Le
Hors<>), or to

Thank you . Ann (and Working Group)

Ann Bassetti
Associate Technical Fellow
Boeing, IT Infrastructure
IT Technology & Quality Integration
mobile: +

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 07:17:47 UTC